Our Company gives special emphasis on any complaints or even in comments and suggestions for the services it offers, because this helps us to improve and become even better and more efficient.
For any issue that concerns you or a complaint that you wish to submit, regarding the services we provide, you can contact either your Account Manager or the Complaints Manager at +30 210 69 65 000, Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 16:00.
Alternatively you can submit your complaint by filling out the Complaint Form and send it to us in any of the following ways that suits you:
- via e-mail to customerservice@pantelakis.gr
- by fax to +30 210 69 29 550
- by post, at the address:
Pantelakis Securities S.A.
Customer Complaint Service
Ethnikis Antistaseos 57B
142 32 Chalandri
The Customer Complaints Service of our Company, will examine your issue carefully and will respond to you in writing, within ten (10) working days. If we need further time to examine it, you will be informed.
In case the response of the Customer Complaints Service did not satisfy you, you can contact the Banking and Investment Services Mediator (1 Massalias St, 10680 Athens, www.hobis.gr, Tel.: 10 4 40, +30 210 3376700 Fax: +30 210 -3238821, e-mail: info@hobis.gr), as a specialized Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body, registered in the Register of ADR Bodies of the General Secretariat of Commerce and Consumer Protection, of the Ministry of Economy and Development.