Institutional Investor Survey:
Pantelakis Securities voted as top Greek broker for 2021 by foreign institutional investors in the Institutional Investor Survey (II Survey)

Pantelakis Securities ranked No1 Greek broker for 2021 by foreign institutional investors according to the Institutional Investor Survey (
Foreign Institutional Investors voted Pantelakis Securities as:
No 1 in the category of «Best Overall Broker-Greece»
No 1 in the category of «Best Equity Sales-Greece»
No 4 in the category of “Best Greece Research”
In detail, in the “Best Greece Sales” category, Mr. Theodore Varelas was voted No 1, Mr. George Athanasakis voted No3 and Mr. Thanassis Drogossis voted No 5.
In the “Best Greece Research” category, Pantelakis Sec’s analyst Mr. Paris Mantzavras was voted No 5.
In “Institutional Investor Survey”, 4,226 institutional portfolio managers and research teams have voted in 2021, this is a 40% increase vs. 2020 from 1,468 respectively.
Pantelakis Securities tops all similar investor surveys for many years and according to Pantelakis Sec’s CEO, Mr. Nikos Pantelakis: “Institutional Investor Survey’s results confirm our successful and efficient effort of attracting investment capital for Greek companies”.
Pantelakis Securities ( is one of the oldest brokerage firms in Greece with over 100-year history, while from 1991 until 2012 was a member of HSBC Bank Group.
Been independent since 2012, Pantelakis Securities participates in Equity and Debt Capital markets activities and very recently was among the international syndicates in Alpha Bank and Piraeus Bank capital raises.
Pantelakis Securities is also a founder and shareholder in AssetWise (, one of
the more successful asset management’s firms in Greece.